21 Day Plant-Based Reset
21 Day Plant-Based Reset
Be sure to download your copy of the ebook within 24 hours. Links expire after this time.
If you’ve ever thought any of the following…
My body feels like it needs a health reboot
I wish someone would just tell me what to eat to be healthy
I know my diet needs a makeover
I want help with my nutrition but I can’t afford 1:1 coaching at this time
I want to start eating more plant-based but I need help getting started
I already enjoy eating plant-based but could use some new recipes
I want to challenge myself to try eating plant-based for a short period of time
I’m ready to start eating and feeling healthier
…this 21 Day Plant-Based Reset is right for you!
This ebook comes complete with:
21 days of healthy plant-based recipes
36 unique recipes plus snacks
A complete and detailed grocery list for each week
Tips and directions for best success
By the end of the 21 days you may experience any of the following:
Feeling lighter
Feeling healthier
Increased energy
Improved digestion
Improved mood
Improved mental clarity
Clearer skin
Better sleep
Improved muscle recovery
And more!